
Mary Tolan
Mary Tolan
Known for pressing beyond conventional wisdom, Mary Tolan has always paved new pathways.

One Challenge of Value-Based Care: Raising Awareness

A recent survey of 1,000 consumers showed that only 26 percent had ever heard of the term “value-based care,” and of those, few knew what it meant. Moreover, 62 percent had never heard of the [...]

How Dermatologists Can Help Alleviate Psoriasis Symptoms

While psoriasis is not just a skin-deep issue (despite all appearances to the contrary), a dermatologist can make all the difference in dealing with an affliction that impacts 7.5 million Americans and is characterized by [...]

Is AI the Answer to Healthcare Fraud, Waste and Abuse? 

All healthcare organizations are cognizant of the problems presented by fraud, waste and abuse (FWA). Until recently, however, there had yet to be a solution that significantly addresses an issue that each year results in [...]